Revisiting Sustainability2020 is slowly coming to an end, and as we look back, it surely is a year packed with great awakenings. Important discussion topics have…Nov 25, 20201Nov 25, 20201
Deep Dive with Mendy Marsh on Violence Against Women and GirlsThe impacts of crises are never gender neutral, and COVID-19 is no exception. In a recent town hall, António Guterres, the…Sep 15, 2020Sep 15, 2020
Published inThe Startup“Zooming” in on The Future of Work CollaborationWith more than half of the workforce currently working from home, Zoom has quickly become synonymous with video conferencing. Zoom usage…May 10, 2020May 10, 2020
Published inThe StartupThe Future of Commerce — Lessons from COVID-19Now on the 6th week of self-quanrantining in my small studio in Battery Park, NYC, I’ve not only mastered the cooking skills that my…May 2, 2020May 2, 2020
Published inThe StartupEducation In A Digital AgeDuring the holidays I got unsolicited ads each day on anything from a Dyson hairdryer to a discounted subscription at MasterClass on my…Feb 4, 2020Feb 4, 2020
Published inThe Startup“Closets in the Clouds”Recently I’ve been following many fashion rental companies out of curiosity and personal interest to save on items that I rarely wear but…Jan 25, 2020Jan 25, 2020
Published inThe StartupTaming Technology Through DesignWe live in an ironic age where people and technology are so intertwined that I sometimes wonder if we really made the right decision to…Jan 23, 2020Jan 23, 2020
Published inThe StartupThe Rise of Femtech and Why it’s NecessaryOne of the trendy words lately that caught my eye is “Femtech”. Essentially, femtech companies direct their attention to solve the…Jan 20, 2020Jan 20, 2020
What Went Wrong with Bike Sharing?News just in: Lime, the scooter startup, is laying off about 100 workers, or 14 percent of staff, and pulling out of a dozen cities in the…Jan 16, 2020Jan 16, 2020
Consumers Like to DreamI attended a talk by Kirsten Green, a venture capitalist and founder of Forerunner Ventures, a couple days ago, and specifically…Oct 27, 2019Oct 27, 2019